Lake Nona Wave Hotel
Unforgettable luxury at Lake Nona Wave Hotel. Immerse in a unique dining experience at Haven Lounge. A stunning light filled lounge that is inspired by the outdoors with white blossom pendants and vibrant lights.
It’s here where guests will enjoy the stunning glow from our ‘Charm Dome’ Copper cordless table lamps.
We are thrilled the team from @lakenonawavehotel specified us for this spectacular hospitality project.
#cordlesslighting #cordlesslamps #lightingdesign #lightingdecor #tablelamps #tablestyling #lightstyle #ledlights #hospitality #restaurantdesign #insightcordlesslighting
It’s here where guests will enjoy the stunning glow from our ‘Charm Dome’ Copper cordless table lamps.
We are thrilled the team from @lakenonawavehotel specified us for this spectacular hospitality project.
#cordlesslighting #cordlesslamps #lightingdesign #lightingdecor #tablelamps #tablestyling #lightstyle #ledlights #hospitality #restaurantdesign #insightcordlesslighting